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水杯是我们平时用来喝水的物品,杯子的种类有很多,有玻璃杯也有陶瓷杯和塑料杯。你知道玻璃杯的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的玻璃杯的英文,希望大家喜欢! 玻璃杯的英文 glass glass的用法 n.玻璃; 玻璃制品; 镜子; vt.给某物加玻璃; 反映; 使平滑如玻璃; vi.成玻璃状; 1. The theatre is a futuristic steel and glass structure. 这家剧院是钢筋和玻璃结构的未来派建筑。

2. He asked for a glass of port after dinner. 晚饭后,他要了一杯波尔图葡萄酒。

3. Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window. 参观者隔着平板玻璃橱窗欣赏那幅画。 4. I poured a little more bourbon into my glass. 我又往酒杯里倒了点儿波旁威士忌。 5. He stared at the rain spattering on the glass. 他凝视着雨点溅落在玻璃上。 6. A fresh cascade of splintered glass tinkled to the floor. 大量刚裂开的玻璃碎片叮叮当当地落到地板上。

7. He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker. 他抱怨她喝得太慢,随即又把她的杯子续满。 8. It's a pound for a small glass of wine, which is pathetic. 一小杯葡萄酒要1英镑,真差劲。 9. Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine. 费利西蒂·马克斯韦尔站在吧台旁,要了一杯红酒。

10. A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink. 一杯红酒有益健康。


glassglass[例句]在玻璃杯或杯子里放些水。Put some water in each glass or cup.n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。

3. 玻璃杯[C]4. 一杯(的容量)[C]Drink a glass of water.喝一杯水。


透过透明的玻璃杯,我们可以很清晰地看见英语课本的英文字母,说明杯子洗的很干净。下面是我给大家整理的玻璃杯英文单词是什么,供大家参阅! 玻璃杯英文单词是什么 英 [glɑ:s] 美 [glæs] glass 玻璃杯的英语例句 1. She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass. 她走到水槽边,把空玻璃杯灌上水。

2. Francis poured a generous measure of the whisky into a fresh glass. 弗朗西斯往一个干净的玻璃杯里倒了很多威士忌。

3. A little cognac slopped over the edge of the glass. 有一点白兰地溢出了玻璃杯。 4. When they'd gone, McMinn tidied away the glasses and tea-cups. 他们走后,麦克明把玻璃杯、茶杯收拾了起来。 5. I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass. 要不这样吧,我用另一个玻璃杯把水端过来。 6. The glass bottle is the shape of a woman's torso. 玻璃杯呈女子身体的形状。

7. Jan lifted her glass and took a quick swallow. 简拿起玻璃杯猛地喝了一口。 8. He took a tumbler from a cupboard. 他从碗橱里拿出一只平底玻璃杯。 9. She lowered the glass with calculated slowness. 她有意慢慢地放低了玻璃杯。

10. Milton raised the glass to his lips. 米尔顿把玻璃杯举到唇边。 11. Larry was pouring out four glasses of champagne. 拉里正把香槟酒倒入4只玻璃杯里。 12. Danny put down his glass. 丹尼放下了玻璃杯。

13. a defect in the glass 玻璃杯的缺陷 14. a table stacked with glasses 摆满了玻璃杯的桌子 15. He dropped his glass on the floor and broke it. 他把玻璃杯掉到地板上打碎了. 关于杯子的英语作文 minons are some small robots in a movie.they are yellow,and they always wear blue trousers.some have one eye and some have two eyes.their arms and legs are short,so they look very funny.bananas are their favrite food.mimions are small.but they are very smarl,minions work hard and they have diffcrent jobs.some work as poliemen some work as tennis players and some work as teachers many peopje like bkese cute yellaw robots.let s meet three of them. 关于杯子的魔术的英文文章 小小魔术博人一笑 一只杯子的神奇之处 Make a Cup Float in Mid Air. Magician Christian Lee shows us how to make a cup float in mid air. But is he really using the power of his mind? 让杯子浮在空气中。魔术师克里斯蒂安·李还将会向你展示如何让杯子浮在空中。但是他真的是用意志力做到的吗? Step 1: You will need 1.所需材料 •a polystyrene cup 聚苯乙烯杯子 •a sharp knife or scissors 锋利的刀子或者剪刀 •a little magical know-how 一点小窍门 Step 2: The trick 2.实施 Let's see that again. 再来看一便遍 Grasping the cup between your hands, focus all your mind energy on the cup. Release your hands. Concentrate! It's floating! Now guide it with your hands back down onto the table. 抓起杯子,集中注意力,将意志力放在杯子上。

漂了!现在用你的双手指引它降到桌子上。 Step 3: How it's done 3.如何做到的 The secret is you're not really using your mind at all. There's a hole in the back of the cup. Use a sharp knife or some scissors to cut a hole in one side of the cup, near the base. It needs to be big enough for you to be able to fit a thumb in it. This allows you to raise the cup without anyone seeing. Bring it higher off the table, keeping your eyes on it at all times. Slowly unwrap your fingers from around the cup. It will appear as though it is floating in mid air! Now you're ready for the show. once you've perfected it, impress your friends. And maybe some women. 秘密不在于意志力。杯子的后面有个洞,用刀子或者剪刀在杯子靠近底部的位置挖出一个洞,拇指适宜大小,这样你就能在不被别人看到的情况下用拇指控制杯子。手抓起杯子之后缓缓放开,这样看起来就好像是你在用意志力控制杯子一样。


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